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Frequently Asked Questions

A.   Purchase and Support

Where can I buy the HaptX Gloves DK2?

HaptX sells the HaptX Gloves DK2 directly, or you may purchase through authorized HaptX resellers, including:

ASK Corporation
Nihon Binary, Ltd.
Mace Virtual Labs
United  States, Canada
Shadow Robot Company
United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal

We plan to expand to other regions soon.

How much does the HaptX Gloves DK2 cost?

We do not publish the MSRP of the HaptX Gloves DK2, but we freely discuss the price with customers in private conversations. The product is priced appropriately for enterprise uses.

The HaptX Gloves system is an industrial-grade enterprise solution that consists of the Air Controller, the Smart Compressor, the HaptX SDK, and a pair of Gloves. The DK2 system’s capabilities and specifications far exceed any other haptic gloves in the market. The price for the HaptX Gloves reflects the product’s quality and value. We would be happy to discuss pricing and suitability of our product with you.

Can I get a discount?

HaptX offers discounts for multiple system purchases. Any other pricing issue can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

At present, HaptX does not have any discount programs for institutions, agencies, or other entities.

Can I lease a DK2?

Yes. Please reach out to HaptX or a HaptX authorized reseller to discuss leasing availability and pricing.

Can I purchase a HaptX Gloves DK2 system with a custom configuration (e.g., one Glove, no Smart Compressor, etc.)?

Yes. Please contact HaptX or a HaptX authorized reseller for a quote.

Can I buy extra Gloves to work with my DK2 system?

Yes. Please contact HaptX or a HaptX authorized reseller for a quote.

Do you have a product warranty? If so, how long is the warranty term and what does it cover?

The HaptX Gloves DK2 system is warranted for one year from the date of shipment to the customer. Please refer to page 4 of your Quote Proposal agreement with Advanced Input Systems for the full Warranty and Service terms.

When can I get this product shipped to me?

HaptX has a limited supply of DK2 systems in stock. After this limited stock is exhausted, we expect a 12 – 14 week lead time after our acceptance of a purchase order.

B.   Product Setup and Use

How large/small a hand can the DK2 accommodate?

The HaptX Gloves are a one-size-fits-all form that will comfortably and responsively accommodate hands that are between 188 – 208mm/7.4- 8.2 inches in length and 86 – 96mm/3.4 - 3.8 inches in breadth, which typically correlates to Women’s Medium (M) and Men’s Extra Large (XL).

How is a user’s hand size calibrated in the DK2?

Accurate hand measurement is necessary for correct visualization in the virtual environment. Prior to a user’s initial use of the Gloves, a user must measure one of their hands in two points; Length: measured from the tip of the longest finger to the crease under the palm; and Breadth: measured across the widest area where the fingers join the palm. See the DK2 User Manual for more detailed instructions.

A user’s profile can be stored in the User Profile Utility (UPU) found in the HaptX SDK, so you’ll never have to measure for that user again.

Do you support physics engines other than PhysX?

Both Unreal Engine and Unity currently use PhysX for physics simulation. The physics engine is critical for accurate, stable haptic simulation. The current version of the HaptX SDK has been heavily optimized to interface with the PhysX implementations in Unreal Engine and Unity. As Unreal Engine and Unity implement new physics capabilities, HaptX will endeavor to support these new capabilities as rapidly as possible, whether or not they are built on PhysX.

HaptX gloves can be used with any physics engine as part of any Windows application via our low-level C++ API. However, a custom physics engine integration will require significant specialized knowledge regarding real-time physics simulation and haptics. HaptX can support customers and partners in creating custom software integrations. Please contact HaptX to discuss.

How many users can participate simultaneously in a multi-user environment?

This is limited primarily by network bandwidth and the networking capabilities of the 3D engine you are using. On a standard network, Unity can typically accommodate up to three simultaneous users and Unreal Engine up to four simultaneous users. Many more users can potentially be accommodated at once, with some attention to the network configuration and content design. Please contact HaptX if your application requires more than four simultaneous users.  

How many DK2 users can use one DK2 system?

An unlimited number of users can share a single DK2 system; however, only one user at a time can use the system. Multiple systems can be installed in a single location to accommodate more than one simultaneous user.

When is HaptX going to support a broader range of HMDs?

Many HMDs that aren’t officially supported will function with the HaptX Gloves DK2 or can be made to work with minor modifications. However, official support requires HaptX to test each HMD in a variety of configurations to ensure adequate performance. We will continue to expand official compatibility with existing and new devices over time, based on market demand. If you’re an HMD manufacturer and would like to ensure your HMD is compatible with the DK2, please reach out to HaptX. If you’re interested in a custom integration with a non-supported HMD, please contact HaptX.

Does the DK2 work with Oculus Quest or Holo Lens?

The DK2 ships with two Vive Trackers, which provide “outside-in” tracking of absolute hand position. “Inside-out” tracked devices like Oculus Quest or HoloLens may be compatible with DK2 in certain configurations; however, they are not officially supported. The tracking systems these devices use may interfere with SteamVR tracking and/or there may be software incompatibilities with the SteamVR or HaptX runtimes. If your project requires the use of an alternate absolute tracking system or integration with a non-supported HMD, please contact HaptX.

When I’m using the Multi-User Networking feature, what is the required network latency tolerance?

 Latency tolerance depends on the task and content. Latencies under 50ms are recommended, particularly for multiple users interacting directly with each other or the same objects. If the operators never directly interact haptically with each other or the same object (e.g., instructor/student interaction) then longer latency can be tolerated, up to 200+ ms.  

What’s required to use the DK2 that’s not included in the DK2 system purchase?

A VR-capable PC

  • The HaptX system requires one free USB 2.0 port.
  • The computer must have sufficient performance to render your content to your desired HMD at frame rates of 90 Hz or greater, allowing for some additional overhead from the HaptX runtime. The HaptX runtime is primarily dependent on the CPU rather than GPU. Recommended and minimum requirements can be found in the DK2 User Manual.

Power. The system draws a maximum 300W from two standard plugs, which power the Air Controller (120 W max) and the Smart Compressor (180 W max) using a power brick for each. The Air Controller plugs into the computer via USB.

An HTC Vive headset or third-party device that uses SteamVR Tracking

At least two Vive Lighthouse Base Stations (four Base Stations are recommended for tracking areas larger than 100 sq. ft., per HTC’s guidelines) with appropriate mounting equipment (e.g. tripods or wall mounts).

Where can I find information about how to setup and use the DK2?

You can find the DK2 User Manual here: User Manual

C.    General Information

How does DK2 compare to DK1?

1 Miniaturization - We have been working hard to miniaturize our system. Early feedback on the DK1 indicated that people loved the product’s haptic performance but required lower system complexity and a smaller equipment footprint. Our HaptX Gloves DK2 system now has a much smaller hardware footprint than in DK1. In response to customer requests, we’ve been able to miniaturize the large desktop console to the degree that it can be worn in a backpack frame, allowing the user room-scale mobility. Desktop/stationary also remains a supported configuration for the system.

2 Proprietary Motion Capture - We have replaced the old magnetic tracking boxes with new, on-board motion capture/magnetic tracking, allowing for better than ever performance with submillimeter accuracy and no need for the two large peripheral boxes.

3 New Force Feedback - HaptX has developed a brand new force feedback architecture. This new system provides approximately twice the amount of resistive pressure than inDK1, higher rigidity, and faster response time.

4 Revised Sizing and Tactor Placement - Always striving to provide the most accurate representation of haptic sensations, our engineering team has optimized the size and placements of actuator placements and panels.

5 The new HaptX SDK - now supports multi-user functionality, so multiple users can simultaneously wear HaptX Gloves in a single VR environment, and they can all feel and interact simultaneously with virtual objects.

6 Simplified System Setup - DK2 now has fewer than half the number of connections between different components of the HaptX Gloves system, which can greatly reduce setup time.

7 Better Fitting Gloves - We’ve included a new soft goods design and better-quality materials than with DK1. Even with all the improvements in force feedback, tactile feedback, and magnetic tracking, we’ve been able to keep the Gloves quite similar in size and shape while allowing for easier donning and doffing.

How comprehensive is your library of haptic effects?

We provide plugin support for two fundamental varieties of haptic effects: waves, which are arbitrary sinusoids, and curves, which follow an arbitrary spline pattern. Developers can attach these to objects in the scene such that users feel the effect when in contact with the objects, they can attach them to regions of space, or they can be triggered in any other arbitrary condition that the developer can choose.

How comprehensive is your library of haptic primitives?

Our Unreal and Unity plugins demonstrate a few instances of the infinite variety of buttons, knobs, switches, and sliders that can be formed with our haptic primitive classes.  We also demonstrate how to use these classes to create a screw interaction.

Does HaptX have an SDK or plugin so I can use your Gloves with my robotic system?

  • The SDK does include a Low-level C++ API, so you may create a program to interface with ROS or any other robotic software system.
  • Shadow Robot Company has developed a plugin to allow an interface between HaptX Gloves and Shadow Robot dexterous hands. We expect other companies to develop plugins for other robotic systems, but to date, none have been released for general use. Please contact HaptX to discuss developing a plugin for your specific hardware configuration.

Is HaptX going to make the system wireless?

HaptX has developed a proof-of-concept wireless compressor system. This feature is on our road map and we intend to address in the next product cycle, likely in CY2022.

Smart Compressor Performance

Can we use multiple Gloves and Air Controllers with one Smart Compressor?

  • This is not officially supported on the DK2 hardware. In principle up to three Air Controllers may be operated from a single Smart Compressor, but this may reduce system performance or require some features (such as vibrotactile feedback) to be disabled. Custom “house air” systems can be installed for large deployments. Please contact HaptX to discuss your requirements.

 What is the air pressure under which the system operates?

  •  Max operating pressure: 40 psi
  •  Proof pressure: 60 psi
  •  Danger: do not exceed the maximum operating pressure

DK2 Specs and Performance


  • Time it takes a tactile actuator to fully inflate: ~35 ms.
  • Time to fully deflate: ~133 ms.
  • Maximum frequency at which an actuator can be vibrated: 45 Hz in VR, 60 Hz in tele-operation.
  • How far do the tactile actuators move/distend? Up to 2 mm.
  • How many actuators and independent pressure-controlled channels are there in the DK2 system? 133 actuators managed by 66 channels per hand.
  • Max tactile output pressure: ~8psi.
  • Minimum controllable pressure step: 1 psi.
  • Can actuators provide vibrotactile as well as regular tactile feedback? The tactile actuators operate at frequencies from DC to 250 Hz, encompassing the full range from static pressure to all but the smallest textures.
  • Can I get Gloves with more actuators than 133? This is a special manufacturing and ordering process that requires a business conversation. Please reach out to HaptX to discuss.


How much do the Gloves weigh?

  • Each glove weighs 1.2 lbs or 540 grams (we often say  “about 1 pound” or “about 500 grams”).
  • Including the weight of the tether, each glove weighs 1.9 lbs.

Force feedback

How many pounds of resistive pressure are applied?

  • Up to 8 lbs/digit, or 40 lbs (175 N) per hand.
  • Minimum hold force is 4.5 lbs.

How long does it take to engage/disengage?

  • 28 – 40 ms engagement time.
  • 90 – 110 ms disengagement time.

Motion Tracking

How accurate is your tracking?

  • Sub-millimeter accuracy. Typical positional precision is 0.2 mm rms; typical rotational precision is 0.15 deg rms.
  • Latency is 20 ms w/ 125 Hz update rate
  • 6 DoF per digit = 30 per hand (magnetic) + 6 (Vive tracker)

Use with tactile telerobot

Is there a noticeable delay in haptic sensation when using the tactile telerobot?

  • Telerobotic applications do introduce additional latency via the sensor, actuator, and processing as well as network latency. Generally, such latency is imperceptible in local applications, remaining well below the human reaction time of 150-200 ms. Long range deployments, such as intercontinental or space, and/or poor network connections may introduce perceptible delays. As a point of reference, the HaptX and Shadow Robot teams regularly teleoperate between the two companies’ San Luis Obispo, California and London, UK offices (~5,500 miles) with round trip latencies in the 140-170 ms range and no adverse impact on usability.

Does HaptX have an SDK or plugin so I can use your Gloves with my robotic system?

  • Shadow Robot Company has developed a plugin to allow an interface between HaptX Gloves and Shadow Robot dexterous hands.  We expect other companies to develop plugins for other robotic systems but to date none have been released for general use. Please contact HaptX to discuss developing a plugin for your specific hardware configuration.

Does HaptX collect the data from my use of the SDK?

Per the HaptX SDK EULA, HaptX collects Log Data for its internal analytical purposes and to improve, update, and further develop the SDK and the HaptX Gloves. Log Data is technical and non-personally identifiable information relating to your use of the SDK, including, without limitation, session data and other SDK usage statistics.

The DK2 looks heavy, cumbersome, and complicated. Is this true and will this interfere with my immersive experience in VR?

Some people think the DK2 appears visually large and heavy, but most users tell us when they put on the Gloves and use them in the virtual environment, they find the Gloves feel lightweight and allow for the full range of motion and natural interaction. We’ve had many customers tell us their HMD causes fatigue before their HaptX Gloves do.

When are you coming out with your next product? What can you say about its features?

The DK2 is the second Development Kit iteration of the HaptX Gloves. We will continue to improve our product, potentially adding new SKUs such as sized Gloves and other HaptX Gloves accessories as the market demands. We plan to bring our first production model of the HaptX Gloves to market in CY 2022/2023.

What are your recommendations for hygienic use and care of the HaptX Gloves?

All DK2 systems are shipped with a supply of disposable inner gloves (which will act as a hygienic barrier layer) and a can of spray sanitizer. These supplies should be sufficient for 100 uses.  

How durable are the Gloves?

HaptX has been demonstrating and traveling with the HaptX Gloves DK1 system for a few years. During that time, thousands of eager enthusiasts have experienced HaptX Gloves, and we’re happy to report that all of our DK1 systems are still working well. Reasonable care should be taken to not pull on the air channel loops and finger thimbles when donning and doffing the Gloves. Instructions for donning and doffing, setup, and care for the HaptX Gloves are included in the DK2 User Manual.

What’s the life expectancy of the DK2?

With normal use, recommended care, and expected wear and tear, we project the Gloves will last at least one year and possibly much longer.

The Smart Compressor and Air Controller have a life expectancy of approximately five years.

The DK2 is more expensive than other haptic gloves, so why can’t you lower the price?

The HaptX Gloves DK2 has been designed to meet the exacting needs of enterprise customers. We appreciate that even for corporate budgets, the price of the DK2 is not trivial; however, the unique technology included in the DK2 allows for unparalleled realism and superior motion tracking.  These features allow for more effective interactions in virtual environments and better tactile acuity in telerobotics. HaptX is confident that we will be able to reduce the price of HaptX Gloves in the near future as we realize technology improvements and manufacture in larger quantities.

How do enterprise companies use the HaptX Gloves DK2? Which applications is the DK most useful for?

Tactile Telerobotics - Numerous companies that rely on robots have ordered the HaptX Gloves DK2 to add our precise touch feedback to their remotely controlled robot arms and hands.  For example, a major technology company is currently testing the product as part of telerobotic devices that will allow human technicians to safely repair high-voltage computer equipment from remote distances.  Whether preventing risk to human life, allowing access to remote areas, or provide a personal avatar anywhere in the world, HaptX Gloves DK2 as part of the tactile telerobot allows the wearer to control and interact naturally.

VR Applications - We also have numerous customers, including many in the medical and healthcare market, that train their employees in VR; to be effective, these workers must build super-accurate muscle memory and be practiced in their skillset, so our customers have ordered HaptX Gloves DK2s to add realistic touch feedback to their training projects.  And we have a large number of customers in the automotive industry who have ordered the HaptX Gloves DK2 for use in 3D modeling and design; they say they can make better design decisions faster by feeling the shape, size and texture of their car concepts early in the design process.

HaptX contact information

Is it possible to use compressed air sources other than the included Smart Compressor with the HaptX Gloves DK2?

Yes. HaptX has successfully operated the DK2 from a variety of compressed gas sources, such as high-pressure air canisters and “house air” systems. Please contact HaptX to discuss your requirements. HaptX strongly recommends any non-standard compressed gas source be approved by HaptX prior to use and installed by an experienced technician. WARNING: High-pressure gas canisters can reach pressures of up to 4500 psi and can be harmful or even lethal if improperly handled. The use of gases or gas mixtures other than standard air may damage or adversely affect the performance of HaptX Gloves. Failure to properly clean or filter the gas to the required specification may also damage or adversely affect the performance of HaptX Gloves. Improper pressure regulation of supply gas may result in equipment damage and malfunctions or injury to personnel.

When are you going to make sized Gloves rather than one size fits all?

Our current one size fits all design should provide a comfortable, high-fidelity haptic experience for most users. Users with hands smaller than a Women’s medium may not have an optimal haptic experience due to lack of contact between parts of the hand and the glove. Users with hands larger than a Men’s XL may have an uncomfortably tight fit. Users with extremely large hands may be unable to don the glove without damaging it.

Sized Gloves are on the HaptX Gloves road map, and we intend to address this feature in the next product cycle, likely in CY 2022. Additionally, future material and glove design advances on our road map will increase the flexibility and softness of the glove, allowing a single glove size to conform to a broader range of hand sizes.

How do you get the number 30 in the DoF you advertise HaptX tracks?

Our proprietary magnetic tracking system has six DoF (three translation, three rotation) per digit multiplied by five digits for a total of thirty. The Vive tracker provides another six DoF of absolute position tracking for the hand as a whole.